以下是玩家欢乐起名   1. 囧大的复仇 Revenge of Jondar   2. 松 Soon   3. 莉娅疯了 Leah's gone wild   4. 泪海 Ocean of Tears   5. 菠萝依旧 Diablo Too   6. 毁灭之王高清 Diablo II: LOD HD   7. PvP   8. 毁灭之神 God of Destruction   9. 劳模重生 Memphisto's Rebirth   10. 走进熊猫人 Enter Pandarian   11: 马科反击战 Marco Strikes Back   12. 圣堂武士之志 Will of the Templar (吐槽:Black magic bars our way, but the will of the Templar is stronger,虽有黑魔法当道,圣堂照把他干爆)   13. 三兄弟不能说的惨事 a Sad Tale of Three Bros   14. “未来”起初的几周 the Coming Weeks of the near FUTURE   15. 驻足聆听 Stay awhile and listen   16. 凯恩之怒 Wrath of Cain   17. 菠萝赢了 Diablo Won   18. 第一部资料片:地狱反击战 Hell strikes back;第二部:赫拉蒂姆归来 Return of the Horadrim (星战看多了)   19. 彩虹马马的崛起 The rise of rainbow ponies   20. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻   21. 恰西的谜团 Charsi's conundrum   22. 比想的还松 Sooner than you think   23. 乌迪西的归来 Uldyssian's Return   24. 谁放出了野蛮人?! Who let the Barbarians out?   25. 怀特重生 Wirt's Rebirth   26. 拍卖屋的赋税 Gheeds RMAH   27. 毕姥爷和阿卡尼休的复仇 Revenge of Bishibosh and Rakanishu   28. 奈法兰的内战 Civil War of Nephalem   29. 独角王的崛起 Rise of the Unicorn king   30. 凯恩之族的逆袭 Attack of the Cain's   31. 卡卡之王 The Lord of Delay   32. 一游百游 We Thought 1 Game Would Be Enough   33. 品客,I can play! Once You Pop, You Can't Stop   34. 一二奥运 London   35. 吾与令母 Your Mom and Me